Friday, September 19, 2008

The Smoothie King Incident

Aw smoothies. One of my favorite treats and probably the healthiest of them all. So when I passed along the rot of 1999 to Chuck, I thought I would be nice and bring him a big fat smoothie from Smoothie King. Tropical somethingerother with strawberries, nanners and various other good things. "Various other good things" must be smoothie crack because I have never been able to make them quite as good as the king. I walk in his door and I am not even off the entry way tile and it slips from my mittened hands and lands right on his white carpet. (who the heck puts white carpet in an apartment?) Yay me! Chuck spent the next day at home sick with his best friend mr rental rug doctor.

I have not been allowed to forget but I do sometimes make up for it by offering my version of a Smoothie King smoothie.

1 banana
1 handful of frozen strawberries
1/4-1/2c OJ
blend like a fewl and serve

My family sways from total banana frenzies to casting off bananas til they are nothing but fruit fly fodder. We are not a family that loves the spotty nanners. My solution is to toss the bananas into the deep freeze with their skins on and bring them out as needed. Simply snip the ends off with kitchen shears and squeeze them into your blender.

One smoothie that we tried recently was a take on Jo's smoothie. I am by no means as big of a peanut butter lover as Jo but I still do like my peanutty fix.

1 frozen banana (helps to lop them into 2-3 pieces before you blend but not required)
1 blob of vanilla yogurt
1/4-1/2c milk
big ol blob of peanut butter. Seriously, don't waste your time with measuring. I use about 2-4T if you had to pin me down for an answer but scoop and dump and it is all good.

I also like to thaw the bananas out over night and squash them up for pancakes, oatmeal, banana bread and rice crispies.

mmmmmm yum

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post made me yank out the blender last night....smoothies...yum.