Once a month, when Cirque du Gnomes come riding into town, I get nudjey. I know, I know, little ol me can never be anything but super sweet but things happen. Things that make Chuck roll out the big funny guns to try and make me laugh. Oh how that man can make me laugh.
I can't remember exactly what he said because I was honestly in a haze with all the Gnomes banging their drums but it was funny and something about my cheesy clip on Target sunglasses and his going to THE MATRIX.
The gnomes don't like it when you laugh so they were angry and stuck around for another day to get their revenge.
Their extended stay brought on the insaneo cleaning phase. I cleaned places that seemed to not have been cleaned since we moved into this house almost 5yrs ago. (Gawd has it really been almost 5yrs now?) Which brings me to my friendly service announcement. Please people, clean under your fridge. I found dog hair under mine that was sprouting feet and a tail and asking for treats. I did not phot0graph that one. The image will haunt me for the res
Before the gnomes left, they begged for fresh baked bread. I, being so happy for them to go, decided to oblige them. Then I realized that the measuring cups are in the dishwasher. I hate to measure anyhow so I made do with my favorite multi tasker. Oh yeah, I brought out the pint Mason jars. Every hilljacks favorite sweet tea glass, measuring cup, biscuit cutter and storer of all things. 1 pint of freshly ground wheat, 1 pint of ap (tht is all purpose in case any one is confused) flour, half pint of room temp. water, and 3 glubs of honey(that big ol nasty looking jar holds my local honey), blob of room temp butter and some salt and yeast. The outcome of all of that is rising on the stove right now.
and now back to our regularlly scheduled program
At first, I thought ap flour was Asia-Pacific flour and then realized that you must have meant all purpose, makes a bit more sense that way.
Tabitha, You certainly know how to make me look at things in a new light. I will edit the post so that no one else will have to suffer from the Asia-Pacific flour incident :)
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