Finally, something we can agree on. This is my third last issue.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hambone, Hambone, have you heard?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Greek Salad Love
Such is the case with the rough chopped simple beauty of the Greek salad. I have tried quite a few recipes then landed on a mixture of several. The outcome is absolutely perfect on my tastebuds.
4T extra virgin olive oil
2T lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
3/4t dried oregano
1/2t kosher salt
1/4t fresh ground black pepper
2 heads romaine lettuce, hand torn to a good size
3-4 tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 English cucumber, quartered, seeded and chopped
1/2 green bell pepper
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 red onion chopped
4oz feta cheese, crumbled
1/2 cup green olives, drained (for the love of gawd, use good olives)
Combine first six ingredients and set aside. Allow time for the flavors to blend. Plow through the chopping of all of the veggies and crumble your feta. I prefer to crumble mine with a fork. Feta fingers are a special kinda stinky. Toss everything together just before serving. Serve with crusty bread or some homemade crackers. Be still my heart.
Sorry for the crummy picture. I didn't think about taking one until it was too late. That is what remains after I had my way with the leftovers from a small gathering.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Good Crackers
Give my family one of those famous golden buttery oval crackers and they stare back and ask for "the good crackers". If I had a dime for every time they asked for "the good crackers" then I would be a rich woman and Chuck would be collecting carts at Kroger after hours and asking for payment in dimes.
Knowing that homemade bread is so yummy I can only assume that homemade crackers would be equally satisfying. I finally landed on a recipe for rosemary crackers that sounded tasty and surprisingly simple. Finally a good reason to hack into the new rosemary bush sitting on the window sill.
Crisp Rosemary Flatbread
(yeah yeah yeah I know it says flatbread but its crackers darnit)
Gourmet Magazine July 2008
1 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon chopped rosemary plus 2 (6-inch) sprigs
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup olive oil plus more for brushing
Flaky sea salt
Preheat oven to 450°F with a heavy baking sheet on rack in middle.
Stir together flour, chopped rosemary, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. Make a well in center, then add water and oil and gradually stir into flour with a wooden spoon until a dough forms. Knead dough gently on a work surface 4 or 5 times.
Divide dough into 3 pieces and roll out 1 piece (keep remaining pieces covered with plastic wrap) on a sheet of parchment paper into a 10-inch round (shape can be rustic; dough should be thin).
Lightly brush top with additional oil and scatter small clusters of rosemary leaves on top, pressing in slightly. Sprinkle with sea salt. Slide round (still on parchment) onto preheated baking sheet and bake until pale golden and browned in spots, 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer flatbread (discard parchment) to a rack to cool, then make 2 more rounds (1 at a time) on fresh parchment (do not oil or salt until just before baking). Break into pieces.
Flatbread can be made 2 days ahead and cooled completely, then kept in an airtight container at room temperature.
Of course once I got my first batch of crackers into the oven I realized that I was in serious need of something that would go well with the crackers. I cranked out a white bean dip that went perfectly. I snapped these into rustic pieces but next time I may try using a pizza cutter.
Monday, December 8, 2008
One Track Mind
Tides turned when I began to cook the custardy mixture. *sigh* The smell was awesome and then I began to wonder why I smelled scrambled eggs? Lets just say that if you cook your mixture too hard and fast that it will turn to scrambled egg nog. Nothing can be done at this point except dump it. I am thankful that I did not use the Makers though. I would not be able to look Whitaker in the eye ever again.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Please step AWAY from the bag!
On Friday, I went into an unnamed store (starts with K, ends in ls and has an OH in the center) just to get a pair of regular ol jeans for Chuck. No need for one of my bags from the trunk right? At checkout, the young plastic pushing clerk decides to get snippy when I inform her that I do not need a bag. I swear I smiled all nice and everything. She tells me that she is not allowed to. Then she shoves the jeans into a plastic bag and hands it to me. I smile again to show that I am a nice person and I understand her minimum wage plight but no way was I taking the damned bag. Three times we went over it.
Finally we ended our conversation when I slipped the jeans out of the bag and walked out the door with my receipt in hand.
I will stop now.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Skinny Arse Dog
What to do for a skinny arse dog that has very little hair? Make her a coat out of an old fleece blanket of course! No pattern required. Just went free form. Pinned it on her and sewed around her giant schnauzer chest and scrawny belly. I even worked one of the corners into a wee hood.
She looks super cute and seemed pleased with being warm again. Now if only I had a remedy for a deranged kitten that won't leave her alone.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
For the Love of Bread: Part II
All seemed to go well until I was ready for the sponge to rest in the fridge over night. I lifted the plastic wrap to see if I could smell some yeasty goodness. OH how big of a mistake was that. It smelled like what my grandfather use to make out in the smoke house with his buddies. Then I had to prove what a fool I am by taking another nosehair burning whiff. Then I followed up that stupidity by trying to get Chuck to join in on the madness. Smart man that he is, he declined.
I did not give up. I was hopeful that the alcohol-ness would burn off over night which it did for the most part. However, a faint alcohol whiff was present all through the second rise. Bread baked up and looked good but I won't be going that route again.
I do have another spent grain recipe brewing in my mind so after next brew I will give it a go.
Monday, November 10, 2008
For the Love of Bread
Watching Chuck pitch two tons of spent beer grains in the compost woke something up in my mind. He had already dashed my hopes and dreams of using the leftover yeast cake for bread. Turns out that the beer yeast and the bread yeast are different. Go figure. But the grains! The grains are still usable, right? We shall see.
I took a basic bread sponge recipe from "Baking with Julia" and altered it a bit. The sponge will rise on the counter for 4-5 hours and then rest overnight in the fridge. Hopefully by tomorrow it will smell yummy, yeasty and much less like a feed bucket.
Sponge Recipe
1c spent grains
1c water
1c fresh ground Golden 86 wheat flour
2t sugar
2.5tsp yeast
-add water and spent grains to the blender until they are as smooth as you wish.
-dump into a big honkin bowl and stir in the rest of the items by hand.
-give it a good sniff because you know you wanna see what horse grains smell like
-cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise on the counter
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I love my darn bed so why shouldn't I hop into it and quickly slip off into lala land? Not the case my friend. That is so not the case. I have never been that kind of girl. I need to read a few chapters, preferably alone. Nothing embarrasses me more than when I am reading a chapter or two of a great book and I get totally lost and snort from laughing. Then I hear movement next to me and it totally blows my literary moment cause chicks that snort when they laugh... not that cute.
I was having a bit of a problem going to sleep until I was absolutely exhausted then I forced myself into better sleeping health (I really hate that phrase) with a schedule. Looks like I am heading that way again. Yep, no more late nights watching Netflix or catching up on a little bloggy reading or trying to find ways to mutilate the orange gourds on my front porch into something tasty. *sigh*
Maybe I should just convince Chuck that it is perfectly normal to sleep in the camper while it is parked in the driveway. Always an excellent sleep there.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Smoothie King Incident
I have not been allowed to forget but I do sometimes make up for it by offering my version of a Smoothie King smoothie.
1 banana
1 handful of frozen strawberries
1/4-1/2c OJ
blend like a fewl and serve
My family sways from total banana frenzies to casting off bananas til they are nothing but fruit fly fodder. We are not a family that loves the spotty nanners. My solution is to toss the bananas into the deep freeze with their skins on and bring them out as needed. Simply snip the ends off with kitchen shears and squeeze them into your blender.
One smoothie that we tried recently was a take on Jo's smoothie. I am by no means as big of a peanut butter lover as Jo but I still do like my peanutty fix.
1 frozen banana (helps to lop them into 2-3 pieces before you blend but not required)
1 blob of vanilla yogurt
1/4-1/2c milk
big ol blob of peanut butter. Seriously, don't waste your time with measuring. I use about 2-4T if you had to pin me down for an answer but scoop and dump and it is all good.
I also like to thaw the bananas out over night and squash them up for pancakes, oatmeal, banana bread and rice crispies.
mmmmmm yum
Luck would have it that they will be visiting soon. Not soon enough or long enough I am sure but either way Kaileigh is super excited.
See you soon Caroline.... oh Jeff and Fiona too of course. ahem :)
Sicker Than a Dog
Way too much spent for no real diagnosis and we have a dog that is back to her usual self (give or take half her body weight). Laying on her back in whatever patch of sun shines in. We have switched her diet to a modified BARF diet (yep, I'm a wimp and can't hand her a hunk of raw meat yet) so she is transitioning to a homemade diet which is basically what I feed the other dogs but chopped up more cause she is without toofers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How to Catch Flies the Green(tea) Way
I have a remedy. A natural remedy that is super easy. First you brew up your fav green tea or whatever tea you really enjoy. I am pretty sure it has to be tea that you like too. Sugar the tea to your liking and set off to do whatever tasks in the house you have. Make sure that you come back and drink your tea often. At some point, the flies will see that you like your tea. They will smarten up and do a couple fly bys and then dive head flipping first into your tea when you are not looking . Now you have caught your fly. Hooray!
Just remember to look into your glass before each sip. Nothing like live fly+tea in your mouth to ruin your glass of tea.
Gotta go scrub my mouth free of fly germs again.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Pesky Skeeters!
We just returned from our first big vacation in our new popup camper. I have to say that I love that darned thing. The memories are still fresh in my head (yes, I will blog about the trip soon, Tabitha. I know what a popup lover you are.) as are the the bug bites. I really do not understand why in the world the little blood suckers like me so much. All I know is that those South Carolina skeeters are pervs. They did not aim for the easy parts like oh say an exposed leg or something. Nope, they wanted flesh that no skeeter has ever chomped on before. They headed straight for the hills and valleys the little bastards that they are.
They were sadly not frightened off by my hippy bug spray either. Heck they didn't even care when I threw caution to the wind and deeted up. I apparetly am like sweet feed for skeeters. Have you ever seen a horse that knows you keep the sweet feed in the Rubbermaid bucket and the plain ol feed in the metal bucket? I am pretty sure that is how the skeeters react when when I open our camper door. Only they do not make that beautiful sound of hooves running in a pasture. Do they even make a sound at all? Only sound a skeeter makes that I enjoy is the sound of my hand smacking them silly. Which is followed by Kaileigh running to see if there was any blood involved. Yelling "did you kill the blood suckers!!??"
Thank you Benedryl gel for keeping me from scratching like a flea bitten hound in public.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
syrup at 5 months. Back then it was easy to medicate her. Squirt the
liquid into a bottle with a bit of milk and she was good to go.
Jump forward to 18 months and we have a toddler that hates the minty nasty
syrup. Seriously, what toddler likes mint? We tried different flavors
available at the pharmacy and they were all bad. I tried sucking up Tang into the
syringe but still yucky. Then we tried mixing it with chocolate milk.
Behold the power of chocolate!
Kaileigh is now 4, she knows the meds are in the chocolate milk, and still
she drinks it down like a trooper. I was never happy with the chocolate syrups
or powders on the market. So I started using Alton Brown's chocolate sauce recipe. Love it.
Jump forward a bit more and you have a 4yr old that loves to help me cook.
I double the batch usually. Today, I was busy trying to answer questions
that were spewing forth from Kaileigh. Before I knew it, I had dumped in
waaaay too much cocoa powder. Grab your buckets people and stop on by. I
have a vat of chocolate sauce sitting here cooling. If you are too far
away to stop on by then make up your own sauce.
Alton's Chocolate Sauce to the rescue
1 1/2 cups water
3 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups Dutch-processed cocoa
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
In a small pot, bring water and sugar to a boil and whisk in cocoa,
vanilla, salt, and corn syrup. Whisk until all of the solids have
dissolved. Reduce sauce until slightly thickened. Strain if needed and cool to room
temperature. Alton says to put it into a squeeze bottle but I like just using one of my pint canning jars.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Free is good.
Free is good. Free can also be dirty. These jars had been in the attic for who knows how long and they had a funky film on them that would not go away no matter how hard I scrubbed. I ran them through the diswasher once. Then I brought out the scrubby pad and tried that. Nope. Sorry. No can do. Try that same scrubby pad with some dry baking soda and woohoo. We have clean jars. Clean FREE jars.
Now I can store my bulk spices and teas. Oh and maybe can some of these perfect pickle sized cucumbers that are growing in the garden. Awww, I love summer.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Get Your Fluids Here!
I found several recipes for a homemade version but none of them tasted all that great. Adding sugarfree koolaid or crystal light helped but eh still not all that. This week I had the lovely chance to make enough batches of the stuff that I found one that works for my family.
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 C Juice Drink Mix (from the Bishops Store House)
1 1/3 Liter cold water (yeah, odd amt of water but that is the size of my container)
Mix it all up and chill.
If you don't have access to the Bishop's Store House then you could try another sweetened beverage but I honestly have not found a match. Store what you use and use what you store.
As the Stomach Churns...
Last years spree of illnesses introduced us to Wiggy's Poncho Liner. Yeah, I know. What in the world does a poncho liner have to do with pneumonia? Have you ever had the freezing cold shakes that come along with an illness? This will cure what ails ya. Chuck grabbed two of them for us and I have to say that I have never had a warmer blanket. They certainly aren't the cutest things ever but screw cute when it comes to warmth.
I just ordered a few more for our 72hr kits too. Oh and I am not sure if it is something Wiggy's worked into it or not but they shed water well. So pour yourself a tall glass of homemade electrolyte replacer and cuddle up.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
We All Scream For Snowcream!!!
Today was different. I was so super excited about the snow that I agreed. I could make something better than all those years ago. We quickly layered on enough clothes to make the mom in "A Christmas Story" grin with pride. I grabbed two big mixing bowls and headed outside.
After we trashed most of the snow with all of our angels, snow ball throwing and dog wallowing I found several small patches of pristine snow. I started to carefully scoop the top layer. Ignoring the vast amount of snow balls that were hitting me in the back.
I left my two huge bowls outside with the family while I came in to prep the following:
1/2 can Evap Milk (aprox)
2 cups half & half (aprox)
1c sugar
2t vanilla
2 big bowls of snow
Mix everything well. Bring in your snow and nest one bowl in the other to keep the top one properly chilled. Dump the milk mixture onto the snow and begin to mix away. Serve in chilled bowls. Follow up with straws if it melts too quickly.
Holy cow was it good. I cannot believe all these years I have missed out on it. *sigh* Never again!
Now get out there and find some snow and start scooping!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Foofy Foof Mermaid Tutus
Foofy skirts should be easy enough right? A few hundred yards of tulle in various blues and greens, slicing it into sections and knot tying right? Lucky for me, tulle is on sale so off we go. Ten foofs down and I start getting requests for stuffed animals to have foofs. I drew the line on the dog foofs. Not because the dogs would care but I grow tired of tulle. The ladies at the fabric store always want to know why you are getting whatever fabric. Especially when you buy 40yrds of tulle. I have heard how they all dislike tulle. Each has their own little story about having to roll up yards of tulle from flopped weddings.
After all the slicing is said and done, I cannot wait to see all the kids in their foofy foofs. Now I just have to decide if I should do something else for the kids that don't want a skirt. Off to ponder.