My niece, Kiersten and my nephew, Zach are both involved in their local 4-H club. I loved 4-H when I was younger but was never involved as much as they are. Lucky for them, they are growing up on a farm and have had lots of fun raising all sorts of critters. The largest being cows.
Each year they raise a calf and show them at the 4-H fair. This was Zach's first year. That is him over on the right --> Isn't he just the cutest thing ever. Every time I see him I turn into one of those freakish aunts that wants to pinch his cheeks. Sorry bout that Zach :)
Zach had a puny little calf so we all knew going in that he would not win
Kiersten had a whopper of a steer this year. Moody as all get out. (listen to me tal
Kiersten went back into the ring for a second time and showed the sweet little calf of Zach's and she did a great job. All smiles and answered
the judges questions like a pro.
Even Kaileigh got in on the action and held puny little sweet calf.
This is when she decided she should have a calf for when she is old
enough for 4-H. or a pig.. or a goat.. or a sheep or or how bout a fluffy rooster! *sigh*